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Many school communities hope that attendance will improve in the last school term. However, figures from previous years show that this is not always the case, and that absences in this period may even worsen. What to do? The results of the 1st Survey of Beliefs on School Absenteeism carried out by Fundación Presente shed some light on this issue. In Chile, 50% of students believe that it is not serious to be absent from school if they have a parent’s justification. In addition, parents, on average, consider that absenteeism could be considered serious after 45 days missed. More than two months of school! These results send a clear signal regarding the urgency of making school communities aware of the importance of attending classes regularly. Regardless of the rules in force, with or without justification, missing classes causes damage to the academic, social and emotional development of schoolchildren. Missing 10% of the year is chronic absenteeism and is associated with greater learning difficulties, as well as lower salaries and longer periods of unemployment in adulthood. Without attendance there is no learning. Without attendance there is no educational reactivation.


Rebeca Molina
Executive Director
Fundación Educacional Presente